Saturday 2 March 2013

The end of an era...

Well that's it, that's all folks!

My last day at work at, let's call it RLS, was Thursday, February 28th.

While you may be sitting there thinking, "that's nice" I'm being a bit more contamplative about it and because you are reading this (unless you've stopped by this point) then you get to be, too.

I worked there for just shy of 13 years.  And as I wrote in my goodbye email to everyone, that's a long time in the sense of one's life in general.

During the time I worked there:

I turned 30.
I turned 40.
My dad had a heart attack.
My mom went from being independent to being in a nursing home.
I lost several family members.
I bought a house.
I sold that house (for some not so great reasons).
I moved back home.
I moved out again.
I got married.
We moved to Kelowna.
We bought another house.
We had a wee child.
We sold that house.
We moved back from Kelowna.
I worked in three RLS offices, the favourite being in Kelowna (I love those guys).
Plus a whole bunch of other things...

It was the backdrop to my life for a very significant period.

btw - I didn't get fired, I left.  In case you were wondering.  If they'd fired me after all of that I probably would be writing this from jail...

Leaving wasn't a decision I made lightly.  It was a great job.  I was the manager, so I pretty much had free reign to do whatever.  And I do mean that.  I came in when I wanted, I left when I wanted, I took people for lunch when I wanted, I took days off when I wanted, I worked on what I wanted (and foisted the stuff I didn't), when I didn't like something I called the CEO and while he didn't necessarily agree with me all the time, he listened and actually gave a shit.  Either that or he's really good at pretending.  But he's a British engineer, so I doubt he's a good pretender.  They are pretty straight up.

anyway, where was I?...

Oh yeah.  So I decided to leave.  EVERYONE I've told has immediately responded with "WHY??!!  Are you CRAZY?  You have MS, you are likely to get worse as time goes on, your employer has said do whatever you need to, take whatever time you need, your job will always be here and we will support you.  You have the dream job for someone living with MS!".  Even my doctor.

And that was what made me leave.

I don't want a dream job for someone with MS.  I want a job for ME, without the MS.  Am I separable from the MS as this point?  YES.  Regardless of what my body thinks.

I've been thinking about a change for awhile.  It's not that I wasn't good at my job - I was.  Really good.  I'm not tootin my own horn, I'm stating a fact.  I was really good at what I did.  But like many things in my life, just because I'm really good at them doesn't mean I want to do them.  I mean, yes, I do a fantastic job of cleaning the bathroom, I just don't want to do it all the time.

It was a tough decision.  But in the end, my desire to not be limited by my disease won.  That and I cannot be bored.  Nothing good comes of it for anyone.

And I should be honest, making a change now while I have the energy and few limitations was a big factor.

I do stuggle with the decision on a daily basis, especially considering it will impact my family.  The new job means a much longer commute (at least an hour a day) which is less time I have to spend with my wee man (and my not so wee man).  I will miss my snuggles with the wee man in the morning and will try to figure out how to make that up to him <guilt>.  But in the end I think a happier mommy will make a better mommy.  And wife.  And did I mention it's more $$$?  Ahhhh, the not-so-altuistic factor.  I'm okay with that :)

Don't get me wrong, if I won the lottery tomorrow I wouldn't work.  At a paying job.  But I am one of those people who have to get up in the morning with something to do.  A charity for sure.  And travelling.  But something to do.

So off I go on Monday to the large towers downtown.  I'm not sure how I will enjoy my walk to the train station and the *ahem* colourful characters one finds on the train.  I am not sure how I will do working in a highrise, considering I don't like them and am a tiny bit claustrophobic (thanks, Bin Laden, I didn't have enough anxiety before Sept. 11).  I'm not sure if or when or how my MS is going to affect me.  I'm not sure how I will do at the new job considering I have absolutely no experience doing it which will be quite a change from the one I just had that I could do in my sleep...

I'm not nervous, I'm so friggin excited I can't stand it!!!!  I'm going shopping for new clothes and a commuter bag!!!!  I already bought new pants.

And right now I'm looking at my shiny new bus pass tacked to the bulletin board - wish me luck :)

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