Wednesday 13 February 2013

As good a place to start as any...

Ok, so I've been meaning to get on this for awhile.  But as the name of this blog implies, I'm *occasionally* pressed for time...

I'm not always late, but often.  Ok, a lot.  I try not to be, mostly because it makes people mad, not really because I want to be on time.

You see, I'm doing the best I can.

I am a wife, mommy, daughter, daughter-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, and friend.  I have a 5 year old son and a husband who, on occasion, causes me more grief than my 5 year old son (love you honey!).

And while I am grateful for all of the people in my life that result in me being these things to them, I am also other things.

I am a full-time worker.  Specifically, a Professional Agrologist.  You'll have to look that up yourself - I've been trying to explain it for years and I'm pretty sure I lose most folks after the first 15 seconds.  Not only that, but because I am bossy and don't play well with others (that last part's not true anymore, they sent me for training to learn to be nice) I generally end up in charge.  Eventually.  Which sucks up even more time...

Before I go on, my apologies to all in my life who will be dragged into this blog.  You will not be named, but you will know who you are.  It was your fault for becoming involved with me in the first place.  If you didn't read the fine print, that's your problem now, people!  Except for my son.  Mommy apologizes and promises to pay for all your therapy later.

There's a whole lot more to all of the above, which is why I am here, writing this at this very moment. It is my way of trying to sort out the chaos of what happens everyday and put aside what brief moments I have to reflect a little, laugh a little, cry a little, vent a little, celebrate a little, and just generally be grateful for what I have.

Because life has a way of kicking you in the lady balls if you take it for granted (I fully stole that sentiment from a very humorous lady at I'm Not Drunk, Wait).

Did I also mention that for my birthday this last December that life decided to do just that?

Happy 42nd Birthday, Holly - you have MS! (*yay*  *balloons*  *pinata*  *cake*)

Yup, that'll get anyone's attention, even mine!

Life demanded quite insistently that I stop taking it for granted, take better care of myself, stop procrastinating and bloody well sort myself out!

Well, I'm getting to all of that after an initial period of being an ostrich about the whole matter and then feeling sorry for myself for a bit.

You are welcome to come along for the ride...

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